Houston Postoperative Malpractice Lawyers

Attorneys Handling Medically Negligent Postoperative Care Injury Lawsuits

injury case examples

Attorneys Handling Cases Involving Postoperative Care Errors

Everyone understands that surgery involves risk, both during and after the process. Unfortunately, many errors that occur after surgery are avoidable. Frequently these errors are covered up under the guise of “circumstances beyond our control” when really they were caused by negligence on the part of the hospital staff. If you or a family member has suffered from postoperative care errors, our lawyers can help you hold those responsible for your injuries accountable for their actions.

Professional, Reliable Representation with Dedicated, Personal Service

Tommy Hastings and his team at Hastings Law Firm have developed a reputation for successfully pursuing negligence cases against the medical establishment all over Texas. They have obtained millions of dollars of compensation for their clients and have stopped harmful practices in Texas hospitals and medical clinics. Tommy is a board-certified personal injury lawyer with more than a decade of experience in medical malpractice.

Our office is a friendly, welcoming place where everyone gets to know you and your story. We encourage this relaxed attitude because we feel that it helps us think differently about you and your case. The more we know about you and your circumstances, the more invested we are in winning on your behalf.

Serious Consequences for What Seem Like Small Errors

It takes only a minor error to cause serious damage in a postoperative setting.

Some of the Most Common Post Operative Malpractice Cases Involve:

  • Abdominal catastrophes
  • Ileus, colon and bowel perforations
  • Infections
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Superficial thrombophlebitis
  • Blood clots from improperly inserted IV needles

All of these conditions are life-threatening and can cause lasting harm.

Our on-staff nurse will discuss the harm done to you and how it may have resulted. We thoroughly review your medical records, looking for all instances of malpractice and who may have caused them. After more than a decade of holding medical professionals accountable for negligence, we recognize the patterns.

Hospitals, doctors and other members of the medical establishment put up barriers to protect themselves from liability when they’ve made mistakes. We know how to pull those barriers down and obtain full and fair compensation for the harm done to you.

Contact Our Attorneys to Pursue Your Postoperative Care Malpractice Case

The Hastings Law Firm is a devoted medical malpractice law firm representing victims and their families who have experienced injuries or death in cases relating to medical errors or negligence. If you believe that you or a loved one sustained an injury because a physician, healthcare professional, or medical center failed to perform their responsibilities correctly, we encourage you to contact our office right away. We can provide you with a totally free and private case analysis to help you determine the best approach based on full understanding of your options. Call today at 877-269-4620 or contact us on the web to schedule your no cost consultation. All cases are handled on contingency, so you never pay a fee until we recover compensation for you.



Don’t Wait! Contact Us Today to Get the Help You Deserve From One of the Best Medical Malpractice Law Firms in Texas.

We represent clients from all across Texas. If you or a loved one has been injured by medical negligence of a healthcare provider or facility, contact us now for a free consultation. Our personal injury attorneys will review the details of your case, make sure you understand your legal rights, and discuss the possibilities of a lawsuit. Call us at the number below or complete the form and a member of our staff will contact you as soon as possible. All consultations are strictly confidential.

